Work has been so crazy, getting in super early and leaving super late everyday for the last few weeks leaving me with barely two brain cells to rub together. And I threw a holiday cocktail party Saturday for 30+ people. Craziness. So while I had an absolute blast with friends, I was busy getting the house ready for guests all week. Had I not committed myself to TNT, I would have not gone out running in 36 degree weather the morning of my party! But I thought - I'll be darned if the entire week went by and didn't get at least one training session in. Strong is this TNT draw! And did I mention it was *fargin* cold outside on Saturday?? I met Anne this week, a great lady and returning TNTer, and she recommened strategically placing tissues in your sleeves when it's this cold since other things start to run besides your feet. A tip I will follow next week.
Although I had a yuck week, seeing my friend Eve and her hubby Michael at the party was the best! Luckily, this was one of her good weekends and it made me really happy to see her laughing and having fun. Wisps of now short curls, a symptom of her treatment, peeked out from under her cute hat - she looked great - except for her sweater! It was an "ugly sweater" party, so we were all laughing hysterically at the hideous outfits that came through the door! Brian, my photographer husband, rigged up a tacky backdrop and remote control camera so everyone could capture the crazy! It was such a treat to get together with friends, especially Eve. So, back on the training wagon this week...giddy up. Enjoy the pics!
The party was so much fun!!! Thank you Karen and Brian. Great pictures too...